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Category: Music

✧. ┊MUS1CALS!!

PLS S0M30N3 TALK T0 M3 AB0UT MUS1CALS!! DUD3 1 L0V3 TH3AT3R M0R3 THAN ANYTH1NG 1TS S0 FUN!! >_< my fav0r1t3 mus1cals r d3ar 3van hans3n, th3 b00k 0f m0rm0n, b3 m0r3 ch1ll & fals3tt0s and 0H MY G0D 1 L0V3 TH3M S0 MUCH 1 hav3 s0 many 0p1n10ns t00, f0r 3xampl3, 1 HAT3 H0W PE0PL3 W1LL UWU-1FY H3ATH3R MCNAMARA S0 FUCK1NG MUUCCHHH??@?Q@?UBDBU ALS0- P30PL3 W1LL HAT3 0N H3ATH3R DUK3 AND C0NT1NU3 T0 L1KE H3ATH3R CHANDL3R?? 1m0 h3ath3r duk3 c0uldv3 chang3d JUST l1k3 h3ath3r mcnamara 1n th3 3nd AND P30PL3 D0NT G1V3 H3R 3N0UGH CR3D1T. sh3s b33n my fav0r1t3 h3ath3r f0r as l0ng as 1 can r3m3mb3r and 1 W1LL D3F3ND H3R W1TH MY L1F3 !! als0, n3ws13s 1s a mus1cal mast3rp13c3 and 1 L0V3 0nc3 and for all sm usdbcusbc ALS0 ALS0 WHAT WAS UR GUYS' F1RST MUS1CAL?? th3 f1rst 0n3 1 g0t 1nt0 was h3ath3rs, and th3 f1rst 0n3 1 saw was w1ck3d WH1CH 1 W1LL N3V3R F0RG3T!! TH3 D3FY1NG GRAV1TY SC3N3 GAV3 L1TTL3 0L' M3 G00S3BUMPS AND 1T R3ALLY K1CK3D 0FF MY 0BS3SS10N W1TH TH3AT3R !! ps gal1nda is s0 m3

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randal hate account (lie)

randal hate account (lie)'s profile picture

a lot of the musicals i like i’ve only listened to like half the soundtrack

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by sleptdorth; ; Report

Uhhh!! Heathers is the only one i’ve watched like the actyal musical, i know beetlejuice songs, certain BMC ones, dear evan hansen ,, i know of the spongebob musical ,,

by randal hate account (lie); ; Report