kit / kota 's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey


DNI !! ;;

- basic dni ( racist , homophobic , pedo , proship , etc ) 

- think u like lemon demon more than me . / srs this is my personal preference and if u think it's silly i wouldn't wanna int w u anyways ^_- 

- support endos / " no trauma " systems ( D.I.D. )

- antirecovery ( ed , sh , etc )

- KNOWINGLY consume problematic medias and are not critical or u support the media in any way ( giving money like buying merch that directly sends money 2 the creators )

- typing quirk but refuses 2 translate . i am dyslexic and it's personally really hard 4 me 2 decipher what's being said with certain typing quirks .

BYF !! ;;

- i have bpd and avpd , which means i get nervous in social situations and if u im me i might not respond right away , but i will try 2 !! 

- i have autism and i struggle with tone . it's hard 4 me 2 tell if someone's being genuine or serious or just joking , so please use tone indicators with me !!! 

- i may act a little strange when we first get 2 know each other . i'm trying 2 mirror ur personality or try 2 come off in a way i think u would like , but i'll warm up 2 u eventually and act like myself !! 

- i'm veeerryy sensitive so plz mind what u say 2 me .

- i have a phobia of bugs , so plz refrain from sending me bugs . i don't mind talking abt them much but i may get uncomfy and slow my response time . it's nothing personal !! / gen

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