The sad reality of living in the US: Jobs

So I am seeing a lot of people having to get a second job to be able to afford and have money for savings now.

I just want to know how in the fuck did we get here? Now for a person to live they must have two jobs? working more than 40 hours? That's not life, That's basically slavery. Just to be clear, when I said Slavery, I said barely having any means to do as you want, in this particular situation, you cannot go out as you like because you work most of the time. When you are not working during that time, you must go back home where most of us do our housing chores, or go get groceries, or pay the bills. When you are not doing that, you have to sleep, because you need rest to go to work for the next day. Some of us have children, so that's another extra load of work. You barely make enough to go on vacation because in this fucking shithole there's barely a system for people to have vacation days. If it wasn't enough, you can't have any savings after paying all those bills (phone, rent, electric bill) which are essential in today's society. you can't even enjoy going out to eat or go to the movies because a ticket is basically $20 per person, or a meal is $15 or more. 

We only live to work. That's fucking systematic slavery if I see one. For fuck's sake, I have friends who had work their ass off until kingdom come to get their Masters degree only to work for a shitty pay that does not match their level of education.

Then we have people in politics who barely got a high school diplomat and they become representatives in their state, getting better pay than your overall teacher or doctor.

Careers in the US are so fucking useless, and jobs are incredibly underpaid. That's fucking sad. 

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