If you don't know what solar-punk is, pretty much its the idea that solar panels can be used to remove us from the grid, capitalist control and generate free, ecologically friendly energy, ideally in an anarchist society hence SolarPUNK
Well, if you have any idea of how Solar panels are actually built, you probably wouldn't hold this view at all. First, massive amounts of land has to be destroyed for this "green energy". Solar panels are not recyclable , they require mineral extraction which creates fuck tons of waste which we don't realize since all of that waste ends up in third world drinking water, and require massive supply chains and fuck tons of regulation. Inherently this is incompatible with actual ecology and especially with ANARCHISM. Yes bro, i want bureaucrats to regulate supply chains and how polluted my air is but hey at least its not the state!!!
Now, solarpunk at a microscale works but it doesn't really do anything to stop destruction of the environment (its not just carbon dioxide that fucks the environment). Solar Punk is just the Leviathan but green washed.
What's the solution then huh? since you're so smart give us a solution! Well, its simple: Stop using any form of "Energy". Yea i know this is pretty hypocritical but i have nothing else to do but sit on a computer and also im nihilistic(read my last post) so i dont really give a shit (since i cant do shit) but if you wanted to make an actually ecologically decent society; electricity, AC, washing machines, computers/phones would all have to stop being produced.
Again. this is all my opinion and im open to any actual solarpunk to comment and discuss this with me
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