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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

DREAMs (updated)

Im just going to be posting the most interesting dreams from my dream journal im not sure if ill keep it in order of date or not. itll also be the most interesting ones picked from my google doc not all of them. 


This one started as me spectating a family of 3. Everything looked like CGI from a jack stauber video and I saw it like one track shot following the family. The family was going to bring their son somewhere which means road trip! They were nervous about something that could happen on the way there though. They got into the car and started driving and these big ass corns the size of humans were in the road. They were scattered around and the family were not trying to hit any. The family hit one of the corn things eventually, they looked so afraid after hitting one. They continued and made it to a very small compact  town and I'm assuming they are gonna stay there for a holiday or something. All of a sudden the corn and the one they hit just runs into the small town and starts attacking everyone. The family changed their mind from being worried and went "oh well (:'' like they didn't just cause a mass corn attack. All of a sudden I am in the dream and I transform into a corn, there's an objective that I can see. I don't remember what it said exactly, but I had like videogame mission and the objective was just causing panic and trouble. I did go after people for a while but got tired of it. The dream ends when I enter a house in the village and go into weird curvy room, I see my friend and we just both start talking like normal.


For some reason this dream started off with pokemon.  I saw the dream exactly as how you would see a Pokémon game. In this dream I was in a cinema, the place where you get food and drinks beforehand. I was talking to someone who was guiding me around and avoiding walking in front of people to fight them. I went to the bathroom to evolve my pokemon, I think it was a eevee that turned Into leafeon. I leave and my family is waiting for me and we go outside, I'm told that the cinema blew up and 21 people died which is confusing because I was just in there. We decided to leave because there's not much else we can do here. We were driving and all of a sudden we parked and my dad pulled up beside us in another car. I got out for some reason and they both just drove away… that was very upsetting to me I was sobbing on the side of the road. Oh also for some reason I just lost my shoes as soon as the car left. So I walked home, and when I went home there was this guy in my kitchen. I've never seen him before. He just tells me that he's here to reach me Japanese and I said sure then I woke up. 


What happened was me and my sister wanted to go to town, and we got stranded there. Both of us got the bus to town. We were on our way to go to a bakery I think and we just appeared on the side of the road. We were  outside a line of shops and so both of us decided to break into a bakery nearby. I got in and my sister apparently just left halfway through so I was there alone. The place had cakes out on tables everywhere, and one caught my eye. It looked like the cake was decorated to be a sakura flower with 4 pointer leaves. It was filled with some sort of cream with raspberries in it. It also had a camera right next to it so of course I ate it in front of it. This is where it gets weird. The amount of guilt I felt, I woke up in my dream and thought that the dream really happened. I was thinking about the police and everything, then I "slept" again and went back to my dream.  I thought the police were going to come and I was very afraid. For me in my dream, I was really paranoid and started to notice the cameras around the place. My parents came in the shop next morning and I was running to the car so I could get away then I woke up. 


This one started in some random house playing dolls with like 3 friends. They gave me the goth one. They needed something from a petrol station so I decided that I would go on a bike and cycle down. I get there and everything seems fine so I call them and ask what they want from here. The entire place suddenly shifts and it turns into a Lemon Demon themed party. The place suddenly was filled up with a bunch of people raving to lemon demon songs. My friends appear there and everyone starts dancing and taking pictures together doing party things idk. I went to the basement bc I didn't want to deal with that and I saw some werid demented version of Garfield sitting on a chair watching cartoons, it looked grotesque and hyper realistic like gorefield. I watched some too for a minute then I decided to bike home because the party was getting out of hand. On the way home I see a bunch of secondary school rugby players run In packs across a town I'm passing through. They were running through the roads but they never bothered or came close too me, and  Then I woke up.


I was in an arcade and they didn't have pac man. I was very upset. I also played a non existent game with a primary school friend. That's it :(


The dream was me driving family guy characters to a house on a bike then I cycled off stealing the bike. I went home and was hanging out with 2 people in my kitchen when one of them decided to put a love spell or smth on me. They just wrote it down on a peice on tissue and threw it at me. Now, I think I did the most reasonable thing and just ran out of my house and lied down in the middle of a field before it took effect. the logic was that if nobody was around when it took effect then nobody would be around for it to latch onto. I proceeded to find a spot and curl into a ball while they were looking for me. They eventually found me and dragged me back to my house. We went back to sitting in my kitchen and I was messing with both of them and the person DID IT AGAIN as a little teehee joke. I was pissed off and woke up because I was so angry. 


I was in a place with a bunch of different Shops built in one place. Each one was the size of a shopping centre. I was with my mam and my grandma. I wanted to leave but they wanted to go to one more shop so I sucked it up and went. My dream cuts to being in the car park and my mam says someone they know is going to be coming over. I look at the horizon and my old art teacher is walking over to us. I was in shock and awe. We started walking through the carpark and I saw some people I knew in my childhood and my mam, grandma and art teacher started beating them up. they all started to fight like animals LMAO. I remember hiding behind a car and waking up after. 

(7/1/23) (happy new year!!)

Okay all that happened was one of my friends (idk who) insulted the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny and i started to write passionate paragraphs of hate to them over discord i was almost reaching the character limit, and i woke up.


I was taking a test with my old science teacher and it was an English test. I got a prompt to write about some guy from Seinfeld who is in love with someone else from the show and paul dano. I wrote that they both got locked in a room and paul dano started to sing Ave Maria and it pissed off the Seinfeld guy. I can't remember what but I was asking the teacher questions and when he got up to leave he accidently took one of my pencils and realised. He did that thing where you go to give it back but keep pulling away, the only difference is that he was making very weird noises doing this like ooooooeeeoeoeeeoooo. I remember him playing things on a radio in the classroom and Ave Marias start was one of them.


This started with me and a friend at a restaurant. It was decorated to be mostly made of wood and our table was almost like a picnic table with couches, the restaurant had purple led lights all around. We were sitting next to the bathrooms. Some random person with red hair came over to us and said some things I don't remember. We started joking around and the waitress would go into the bathroom next to us and would repeatedly pop in and out while saying random stuff. She eventually joined us and started talking about working at tumblr and how badly they treated their employees. My friend agreed and was like "yea I used to work there too". I went outside and my dream changed completely. I was at some place that was basically an overgrown road with a river instead of a road. It was dark out and this place was some sort of attraction I'm guessing because boats would come around to take you down the river and show you places. However the only way to get onto the boat is to jump and roll onto the boat while it was passing (there was a gap between the path and where the boat would go).

I was there with a small group of people, 3 guys and one was like a parkour expert. The parkour guy explained how to get onto there to me and I just didn't even try. He was saying “if you hit it at this angle with this speed and at this time bhahahahba” i wasn't listening. I spent my time running around with one of the taller guys doing random stuff. I remember one specific thing that happened was we both ran because we saw a surfboard shaped like a banana and wanted to try it. I was in the process of getting onto it when I looked up and saw someone with a yellow suit that had bananas painted onto it giving me a proud thumbs up. I did ride the board but almost fell a few times. Another thing was the parkour guy was psyching himself up to try and jump on a boat but never actually doing it, circling around and running to the edge of the path before running backwards and crouching while theorising. Eventually though the boats stopped coming and a food truck  pulled up and said it was closing time. We decided to get food, this was when i noticed the second tall guy who was standing around not doing much before turning into a content creator. The food truck had a small platform attached to it where you could stand so we got on and the youtuber started talking about how much he loved cranberries and hoped they had some. He was looking at me in the eyes saying do you know how much I love cranberries before promptly jumping over the food truck counter and putting one of those small sauce cups on his head. He was looking for cranberries. I noticed I had stepped on something and looked down to see I stepped on a CD, it belonged to the band the cranberries. I picked it up and gave it to him and he just stared at me. We were just staring at each other and eventually started to pretend to fight each other by flailing our hands in random directions and chopping air. i cant believe my dream set up a joke and punchline.

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