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Category: Life

not dead (probably) + general life updates

so i haven’t posted here in eons :skull:

idk where to uhhhhh start

it is now summer and i’m finished with my sophomore year of high school woohoo!!!

also i have a boyfriend now !!! :33 it’s very cool love is rad i love him very much x3

i feel i drifted away from this website because i wasn’t used to the blog format and like.   i’m still not adjusted at all  but i Definitely Want To i think this place is very neat i just haven’t figured it out yet

maybe i’ll post again tomorrow, maybe i’ll abandon this account entirely idk. i want to stick to it but i’m more prone to using twitter so

anyways i hope whoever reads this has a good day :3 i want to post here more and yeah

0 Kudos


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