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Category: Blogging

Cringeworthy Teenage Fever Dreams

Hello there, dear people of the internet. It's me, Lev, back again to spill all my weird thoughts and ideal scenarios into the universe. I know, I know, these mental scenarios are the equivalent of a rom-com mixed with a teen drama, dipped in glitter, and sprinkled with a dash of my own weirdness. But, I know you've got your secret stash of embarrassing daydreams and ideal scenarios hidden somewhere. Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you to spill them - this time. Instead, you're stuck with mine!

Alright, let's dive right into it!

Daydream 1; All Aboard the Dreamboat

My little magazine, Mindscapes, hits the big leagues. We're talking mega popularity, like, "I can't believe she's only seventeen and she's on TV!" kind of popularity. Cha-ching! The money rolls in and I'm suddenly living the luxurious life! And, of course, with fame comes fortune. I'd be rolling in so much cash that I could finally afford that dream cruise. Just picture it: The sun setting over the sea, the wind in our hair, and Go Sailor's "Fine Day For Sailing" blasting through the speakers. Just imagine me on the deck of the ship, spotting my arch-enemies trying to sneak on board with terrible disguises (I mean, really? A fake moustache and star sunglasses?). I'd have them thrown overboard faster than you can say "go walk the plank!" – Ha, take that, high school hierarchy!

Daydream 2; From Rags to Riches

Next, let's take a ride to my dream job, I'd somehow get richer (yes, there's a lot of getting rich in my fantasies, just go with it) running a little music café! With two adorable cats ruling the place and a potential roomie who tolerates my impeccable aesthetic, this café would be THE place to hang. Picture this: me, with a cat on each shoulder (or with a cool roommate), standing in front of my café, a proud smirk on my face. And what's that? Free cakes for all my friends? You bet!

This isn't your average 9-to-5, though. Nope, the café would only be a side job, with my main gig taking up barely two hours of my day and it earns me a living. The best part? I control the playlist, enforcing my music taste on every poor soul who enters. No escape. No mercy.

Daydream 3:Crime-solving with a Guinea Pig Sidekick

The third option is the most outrageous, I admit. Imagine me, Lev, the world's coolest detective, even though my grades are as low as my tolerance for math homework, and I can't find my phone half the time. But in my dreams, I'm Sherlock Holmes, and my sidekick? A guinea pig. Or maybe a cool guy or girl, depending on my mood that day. Don't ask me how the guinea pig helps solve crimes. It just does, alright? Maybe we could even solve the greatest mystery of all: where did I leave my phone last night?

And last, but certainly not least, picture this: The Alien Invasion. Hear me out. Aliens invade Earth, but instead of causing havoc, they're just... chill. So chill, in fact, that they decide I should be their queen. And you know what they say: "With great power comes great responsibility." So I'd use my newfound power to, well, force everyone to listen to my music taste. Again. And maybe convert all the Lululemon stores to a thrift shop filled with things from my Pinterest boards (band tees, miniskirts, keychains and movie posters).. You're welcome, Earth.

So, there you have it. A peek into my brain's cringe fest. But hey, don't rush to judge! We all have our quirks, and these are mine. The next time you find your thoughts drifting into the wild lands of imagination, let them roam free. Dream of ruling the world, of music-filled cafés, or of sidekicks with four legs and a twitchy nose. Because, hey, who knows? The weirdest dreams are often the most fun! Besides, if you've got a better dream that doesn't involve a magazine empire, a music café, or a detective guinea pig, I'd love to hear it!

Stay dreamy!

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★Caroli★'s profile picture

Your daydreams are so entertaining to read about!! I also daydream a lot and to be honest, an idea of opening up a small, chill music cafe sounds so much fun to me. And yeah, i agree, everyone has silly little scenarios in the dark corner of their brains. :D

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thank you soo much! yeah, my mind keeps wandering when im in boring classes.. i really appreciate ur comment! :)

by Lev; ; Report

Yeah, exactly. Especially when it comes to mathematics (eugh) and school can be quite boring. Also, are you by any chance a writer or something like that (if we don't count this blog)? You seem to have great writing skills.

by ★Caroli★; ; Report

God I hate Maths too! and i wish - my main job is a translator and i make zines for fun sometimes! you can check them out on @1mindscapes on twitter!

by Lev; ; Report

I'll check it out as soon as i'll be able to! wish you luck:D

by ★Caroli★; ; Report