Heyo there!!!! I been making this handcuff with the marble hornets logo and I thought of sharing it because I like doing Kandies!!!

God I love taking Jay’s suffering and making it a bracelet!!! ( Five lines of silence for Jay and, honestly, every Marble Hornets character. Actually, scrap that!!! Everyone on the slenderverse god dammit!!!)
Anyhow, There’s also my small kandi collection!!! It’s really small because I just started recently but I like it so far :DDD
The red one says “Slasher Town” which is my own fictional universe that I really love. The singles say Vanny, Dee and Daian (It should say Diana but I’m stupid, I’ll fix it eventually) Vanny is my Metal Family oc and the other two are Metal family characters (Obviously)
I know you may think my main obsession is creepypastas but that’s because you haven’t seen my Ig!!!! That thing is full of Metal Family!!!! It’s a good show, you should watch it!!!! ;)))
But yeah, that’s it! Thanks for passing by ^^
((+ Here are some Creepypasta Doodles I did in class, hope you enjoy them
Also!!! If anyone knows a better alterantive to imgur than imgpile I would love to heare it because I think imgur stopped working ;-;
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