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Bittersweet Dreams

Being trans and having a dream where you're in the correct body is definitely Something. Painful. Great in the moment. Usually in these dreams I find a mirror and see myself then stare into it. And that's all I do, sometimes. Just take a good long look at myself. 

I'll eventually leave, either running to tell my partner the good news or to resume whatever the dreams main plot was or something.

But then I wake up and I'm still in the wrong body. Which is depressing. But it's still nice to have a tidbit of euphoria here and there. It's interesting. 

If I was any stupider, I would believe in the brain sex theory. Which is the idea that there are stark differences between the brains of males and females, and hypothetically you could get a brain scan or somethin' to see if you've got a male brain or female brain. The evidence is not in this theories favor. If brains have a sex, then 99% of humans are bigender, because there is that much overlap. But I would understand just assuming that its real and assuming that there's some biological drive behind being trans. 

Because it just feels so RIGHT. In my best dreams I see myself. I get a mood boost after every t-shot. I feel so, so good lately. I feel so right lately. I haven't even gotten any surgeries, but the changed hrt has done to my body have made me so, so happy. I can't believe transphobes who tell me I'll regret this.

I've been on T for around three years. I started at a low dose, as I was afraid of regretting it, so I went slow. Low dose means low & slow changes. But as time went on, I realized I wanted more. And now that I'm on a much higher dose, I just fucking feel happier man. I get depressed when I'm a day late to my shot, and then a few hours after it I feel like the world has color again. It's so wonderful. 

I'm growing a mustache. I "have" one right now. The new hair under my lip is all thin and translucent. It's a bit visible. But not enough to be able to call it a mustache. 

Don't really know why I'm posting this. Just wanted to get my perspective out there I guess. 

People say they don't get trans people, don't support 'em, whatever. This is what makes me happy. To navigate each and every day using a body that I love. To be called "sir" by strangers even when I'm wearing pink clothing. So many people think it's all self-hate, but transition is one of the purest forms of self-love that there can be, I think. 

Well. I guess that's the blog. tldr transsexualism is the secret to eternal happiness Goodbye love you talk to you later ok im hanging up bye 

2 Kudos


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siine's profile picture

felt.. usually when i dream i dream that i'm in my body normally, but sometimes i dream that i have a dick n balls. when i wake up i just feel hollow x3 i think more than just the "right body", it's the fact that everyone treats me differently in a good way that really reinforces that hollow feeling
more frequently, i dream that i'm an animal or robot, either something non human or i dream that i'm someone else completely. i like these dreams too, but they (mostly) don't make me feel empty like the man dreams do lol

being genderqueer or agender or whatever as well as transmasc makes me feel kinda weird about it all, like i think if i just turned into a genderless alien being i'd be okay but if i were a cis man i think i would also be okay? idk maybe being a cis man would make me feel dysphoric too

just my 2 cents on the whole thing from a fellow trans dreamer

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yeah i was shy about saying it in the main post but normally i cant rly tell what my body looks like until i look down and see a huge schlong or not. my dysphoria is almost entirely physical, so its just all about the body to me but i completely understand the social side, thats how it is for most of my friends too.

in MOST dreams im kinda not a person at all, my pov is usually just like... the camera watching a movie.

my gender is much more binary now but for most of my life i identified as nonbinary and felt much more connection to that than being a man so i do get what ur saying even if i dont currently relate

by catboy; ; Report