A seven o'clock breeze carries the warm scent of
Everything green and yellow and
brown and black (thanks to the river).
In the shadows of the schoolyard we wander;
trees reach over fences, we pluck their black bounty.
mmmulberries, more sweet than tart,
staining our fingers.
The birds ain't got them all yet -
the season's just started.
Follow the treeline into the graveyard
past the Unknown Soldier, behind the crypt
(cause we know where to look)
raspberries punctuate time from the ground
Girls' softball winding up on the other side of the school.
Clans disperse like so many seeds,
all blown in the direction of the Shiver Shack.
Ice cream!
A blooming field of little red shirts and ponytails everywhere,
poppies in the fading light.
Sometimes summer in a small town can make you
forget, for a moment.
Displaying 3 of 3 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
this was so well written and truly helps capture the feeling of summers as a child, especially growing up in a small town.
Oh thanks. My husband and I took a walk in our tiny town the other day and this is just a record of what we encountered.
by Someone Somewhere; ; Report
this is so good
Beautiful. I especially like the "mmmulberries" bit. It really helps to add to the youthful/nostalgic atmosphere.
by Someone Somewhere; ; Report
by livys; ; Report