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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes


this category thing makes me feel really corny. but anywyas. i relaly like languages i want to learn languages but its very hard for me especially because i am in a tough place rn. but i hope to learn european and asian languages in the future.... ive tried to learn some spanish and hebrew in the past and it was fun but i lost interest. atm i am trying to learn japanese and i did try vietnamese but it was reaaally difficult for me to understand so maybe at a later date!

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XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX's profile picture

I luv languages! I really want to learn Russian and Japanese in the future. I've been learning Spanish for a few years now.

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i didnt see this but yeah!!! i know some spanish but only the basics,,, russian i hope to learn in the future as well!! i reaaalllyyy love nonlatin languages,,, its very fun learning their alphabets!! its why i picked up hebrew a little bit last year and why i picked up japanese!

by vin; ; Report