I might even ditch my neocities page for this
I love my Neocities page and I haven't 100% decided to kill it off but it's a lot more work than Spacehey. On here I can make a profile theme and not have to do anything else to the styling really. I've made it easier on my site to do the same thing using a dedicated CSS file (I didn't know how to do this before and was supplying attributes for every individual page) but it's just not the same. This website has a lot more backend stuff going on for making blog posts and communicating with other users. I have a lot of the heavy work already done for my site to make it a bit easier for future additions but it's still a bunch of work having to copy my own template and then making edits to it. I don't have to do that as much here. I mean at least not as a requirement. I understand that if I wanted to I could add some CSS to this blog post for example to give this the individuality it deserves but sometimes I'm lazy and just want to start typing things down and I don't feel I can easily do that within a HTML file. Maybe if I worked on it before hand in a text editor it might be easier to manage but then I still need to go in and add line breaks and specify heading types. I don't need to do all of that on here. I do feel that having your own website is still needed but for normal blogging I'd rather just post it on here. I can keep the website for the big projects. The ones that I actually want to do work on.
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It's possible past me didn't know what they were talking about when it comes to the CSS and stuff but I still like this site. I can't say it my main social media site but it's still my favorite, I just spend too much time on YouTube and Instagram (I know calling YT a social media site is a bit cringe but I spend way too much time on the site even if I'm not actually being social. No body is really that social on FB either but somehow that is more of a social media than YT?)
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