yk i dont rlly understand how ppl use spacehey n have DNIz lik. one DNIs dont do anything even on normal social media, but its double stupid on spacehey bc!! this is the wild west of the internet!! a return to thr form of blogging!!!!! WHY DO U HAVE A DNI???? idk itz just hella confusing like bruh this is NOT the site fur that bs
just wondering
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A lot of people think wild west just means customization. They still want the modern ways of community and interaction. I do wish people here were more open and less intolerant.
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yeaaahh!!! i never rlly got that like. when i saw spacehey i kinda saw it as a cool return to form for the old web, and itz weird 2 see people still pushing on modern web etiquette on a website like this! glad some1 getz what i mean
by necro !!; ; Report