whats high school like

i won't go to high school until my country equivalent of 10th grade so i just wanted to know how it is.

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xxp4rtyr0ckrxx's profile picture

from my experience(going into junior year), high school sometimes gives a lot more freedom; however there unfortunately are some downsides to it :( i wish u luck tho!!

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Vex's profile picture

Normal school but subjects r way more difficult (dw, they seem difficult but once you're taught it's basically the same level as elementary - some things you get, some things you don't.). I was on online schooling 1st and half of the 2nd year so I can't really tell you a lot but here's my piece of advice:
On the first day MAKE AS MANY FRIENDS AS YOU CAN, SERIOUSLY!!!! Don't ignore this, try your hardest to do so. I didn't and these (2, ignoring the onlines) years were hell for me!!! I still have one year of that to come, hopefully gonna have a new life at uni. Also study for finals from the start of the second year or third year, don't wait for the last minute like I am. You'll have to catch up with 3 years worth of info in 1 year (+ upcoming 4th year). Try to be nice and join some group, talk to people you vibe with the most (they're gonna separate into groups and it'll be hard to get into those later on unless you're not antisocial).

You'll be fine unless you're a complete social wreck like me. Literally avoid everything I'm doing here and you'll get through swimmingly.

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Sinister's profile picture

high school is pretty boring aside from there being kids who still think popularity being a thing.

Just make sure you got yourself a friend group that'll last you the whole years of high-school bc without one, the whole high school experience will suck balls

another thing, try to focus on classes as well. Many people I knew didn't get to graduate bc of how many times they skipped or didn't do any work

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rach's profile picture

imo, its not that exciting unless ur school is fun or you have a lot of friends lol

you just gotta be responsible & keep ur grades up

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My country doesn’t have high school either until 10th grade but honestly it’s mostly likely the same as any other year of school ur just older and more responsibilities r placed on yu

by Aiya / Nia; ; Report