starving artist?

is anyone afraid of the world? not in the way you’re just afraid of everything and everyone but in the way you don’t know what will happen next. Because i’m so scared of growing up and not being able to support myself. but then again i don’t want to be stuck with a shitty job waisting my one life away in the shitty world so i can have basic needs. i wish life wasn’t so fucking capitalistic, i was made to make music but no one cares abt the arts. even tho art is all around us 😒. all i’m asking is if anyone is scared of the future. i don’t know if i should follow my dreams or follow money.

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chel's profile picture

i am currently preparing for the fine arts exams and it a hustle, people have told me cuntless times how much of a waste it will be to study art and have judged me for not taking the college entance exams in the past few months

what really got me out of the fear of whats next was focus on what i want to do, i go by the saying that if you want to make money out of art you will

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facts man.. don’t stress anything is what i found out. art is like from the heart so if you have heart you get art. and if something terrible happens like you fail no one can take art away from you. i believe in u and DONT LISTEN TO THE HATErs.

by Rocky; ; Report

oh my god thank you so much, i believe same goes to you too buddy <33

by chel; ; Report


ness's profile picture

I have exactly the same fear, becoming a miserable artist and threw my whole life in a depressing job and never be able be happy making my own things and show this things to the world.
in the end I already know that I will fail

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i mean i won’t know until it happens.. i’ve seen musicians come out of my town and end up playing along side the foo fighters and others… become something else. i’m just so scared to think what if i’m not good enough or people just laugh at me.

by Rocky; ; Report

Me too, I will try to continue with my career but I live in a country where artists are not very valued

by ness; ; Report

i feel u… i cross my fingers for u and me :)!! i believe we will make it.

by Rocky; ; Report