Body Steal Theory

Body Steal Theory

Body Steal Theory is an axiomatic concept within Naruto that I have created and/or unintentionally stolen. Although a presupposition in my current meta, I have arguments to back this ideology up (see examples).

The concept is meant to explain the mechanics of body theft and how it effects power.

The Theory: Characters have a base minimum power equal to the body that they have stolen or been summoned into. This doesn't account for buffs through jutsu, chakra type/amount, or DNA. This also doesn't account for mental nerfs such as speed perception or technique.

What this means: Abilities that would give you a stronger body will make a character generally stronger if their mental fortitude allows it. This works inversely as weaker-than-base bodies result in physical downside.


  1. Original Edo Tensei: During Orochimaru vs Hiruzen, the Kage Edo Tensei are massively nerfed in power. Although most likely falling victim to a lack of jutsu refinement on Orochimaru's end, the Edo also seem to be at a downside because of the Genin bodies that they were summoned into.
  2. Orochimaru's Body Goals: Orochimaru makes it obvious that his goal is to obtain a body with a powerful Kekkei Genkai and a curse mark. It only logically follows that he wants these traits because he does not have them himself. It follows from this that he would see a potential bonus from bodies that he steals.
  3. Kinkaku and Ginkaku: Although revived in White Zetsu bodies, the Silver and Gold brothers were able to call upon Tailed Beast chakra reserves that they originally gained when alive. This suggests that chakra reserves although in the body, are reliant on the soul. This allowed the brothers to greatly surpass the bodies they had taken over.
  4. Kaguya: Upon entering Earth, Kaguya has trouble dealing with human soldiers, resorting to telekinetic-like power that requires genuine effort on her end. She also resorts to fleeing when attacked with a flurry of arrows. It is only once she has eaten the chakra fruit that she finds herself at Ten Tails levels of power. Once revived in Madara's body (a vessel with three Rinnegan, Ten Tails jinchuriki power, God Tree absorption, Hashirama and Madara cells, Sage Mode, and Black Zetsu's additive) she becomes massively above the Ten Tails. This suggests that Kaguya's original base power ranges from peak human to genin or wall level. 

What this really means: Naruto characters achieve a balance of power within the physical body and power through mental fortitude. Anything that replaces the body with another creates a situation where there may be imbalance between the physical and mental. It may also be that a strong mental fortitude with a weak physical bottleneck is negated through achieving or taking over a stronger body.

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