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Category: Pets and Animals

my stupid dog almost died

its 7am and i woke up to hear my 10 month old beagle aster crying and screaming like she was being killed. it was fucking terrifying to hear and i never got out of bed so damn fast. but by the time i got to my parents room aster was hiding under the bed and my parents were near tears.

they told me that my dumbass floppy eared baby chewed on their power cord and got electrocuted. not the "ouch you shocked me teehee!" kind, the scary cant-move kind where u can DIE.

thank fuck my mom was awake cause as soon as aster made any distressed sound she was up and running to rescue her. she said that she thought aster was being choked cause of how rigid she was until she saw the cord in her mouth. aster was on her back, legs ramrod straight above her and i can only imagine how scary that was to see. mom got the cord out of her mouth and aster immediately ran to hide.

aster is still in shock and refuses to leave my side. we didn't take her to the vet yet because theres no visible burns. but we're watching out for any pain.

what a way to wake up!

PLEASE get all your cords out of your dogs reach. we didnt take the warning seriously but we know now and now aster has all her rights revoked shes staying in her kennel for the rest of her life (nah we're just gonna watch her closely and give her a treat for surviving that shit)

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Bravopotato's profile picture

Bro if that happened to me i'd throw up like omg that poor dog ;m;

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