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Category: Blogging

diary 6

Today was awful. I found out one of my “friends” Vanilla blocked me. She said it was over one incident but apparently she didn’t even consider us to be friends. She’s mad because i made a passive aggressive comment about her. I only did it because she had been being mean to me over a long period of time. Now she’s cussing me out and i feel like i’m gonna throw up. I wonder who doesn’t care how she’s acting to me right now. I wonder who agrees that i’m annoying all the time. Who else hates me. I wonder if anyone will defend me at all. Or if she’s saying what they’ve all been too polite to say. That nobody wants me around. It would prove all my suspicions correct. Other than that there was this scary man at work that was telling me about how the military should kill everyone in this country. Telling me i was lazy for not having a different job. Saying no one respects him and that he’s going to get a gun license and kill everyone. I was so scared. But by the time the manager started taking me seriously and got ready to call the police he was gone. Then when i was about to leave these two guys came and started walking around the front of the building. I’m starting to really really really hate this job. I didn’t even get to talk to Cookie for very long today. He wanted to call me later but i told him i was going to bed because this Vanilla situation is making me physically sick. He said he hopes i feel better. He also sent me an ugly selfie randomly earlier for no reason lol. Maybe that’s a good sign..

2 Kudos


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