An Old Soul Navigating Friendships With Those Older

For context, I am a part of Generation Z/Zoomers (2002 baby), according to society.

I mentioned in a previous blog regarding, wishing to be born sooner to have the same experiences has the generation before me. Regarding my interests in tv shows, movies, lack of interest for newer forms of social media (TikTok, Snapchat etc.), the fashion, the technology (huge CD and DVD/Blu-ray lover), and overall, the music. 

I reflected over the past week or so, I realised it might not necessarily be my interests or wanting those experiences I was too young/not born for. It's also feeling like I do not relate to my generation and what they do/stand for. Or the fact they think hookups and having sex is more important than building a romantic relationship and trust. With what I am interested in, I feel like I cannot find someone in my generation who enjoys the same things as me. I am too retro and weird for them. I thought it was sad the crowd leaving after Pierce The Veil's set during the Creative Control tour. My generation seems to lack concert etiquette. Or the fact how they seem to lack being able to be a joke. Too many of them are terminally online and just little shits. In ways , I cannot blame them since schools and their folks spoiled them with technology. They want to move to tech-based learning and teach them everything can be done on a screen. Or being taught knowing how to do a signature isn't important. With how much tech has evolved, these kids don't know when to put it down.

Relating to Millennials, while I may have the common interests and style. I was too young to experience what they had. Unfortunately due to my age, they seem to be like "I have little to no interest in hanging with a pipsqueak 20 year old" or "You weren't there so you're not with the elite." I sometimes have felt many talk down to me like I'm five years or just a brat who only cares about TikTok and likes Emo because it's :( They're like "what do I have in common with a Gen Z brat. I get it, I'm too young to be considered an "Elder Emo" or "Elite Emo". I wasn't allowed to join a Facebook Group because "I'm not the age restriction." It hurts being excluded from a community that is supposed to be welcoming. I wish I could experience what they did and then maybe we could relate more. Sadly, it's not that way in terms of experiences or age.

I know dressing alternative and listening to the music, you would get picked on and often bullied. However, not much as changed from the 2000s. I was scared to be myself in high school and dress emo. I thought people would isolate me more than they already did. With Gen Z it is more so, they let you down easy like "I don't want to hurt your feelings but I do. I don't consider you a part of the group. So leave." I have my fair share of being excluded, picked on, and bullied in school. I wish I got more into the music and style back then, knowing I could have had an easier time in high school. Plus considering it's harder to make friends as an adult. 

All this isolation and not being able to relate makes me feel alone. Like nobody wants to be my friend and I cannot enjoy my interests with anyone. It honestly stings more and more everyday.

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note2self's profile picture

I'm also in '02 and can relate with alot of that. In all fairness, There was still so much 2000s stuff I got to discover at the time they were new or late by a bit but that must really be on me for having quite alot for a kid in like 2005-06 and having a good memory on it (moreso being that I'm able to remember it at all). At the same time, there was just more 00s stuff I discovered a bit too late with as well since my interests at like maybe 5-6 yrs old were a bit different from 20 yrs old me and then started to appreciate (and kinda wish I did before) or I just never saw it around at all cause who knows how. I do get the feeling of wanting to talk with ppl that got to experience the 00s greater then we have and I mean hey, I won't stop u but I'd still encourage too like keep seeking out for other "zoomers" like us. I've come across others that are alot like me too and love alot of past media like I do. Just a mtter of finding the right sorts of individuals despite being that specific

Also, if u would be down to talk sometime, I'd like to. We seem to share alot in common and its always cool to be with those that do

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Qoheleth's profile picture

Regardless of the intent or type of relationship people sometimes tend to think or feel like they are supposed to hang with people pretty close to their age. 10 years ends up feeling like a big difference. But I feel that cause I get the reverse side, which is zoomers acting aloof, like they are not interested in talking. Not necessarily rudely. You can just tell they think you’re old af lol. At least not all the time. That’s only some though. Others won’t. especially if they are the same sex. Zoomer guys who talk to me, tend to not think automatically I might have an ulterior creepy motive and perhaps see my experience. idk

Some formative friends in my life are zoomers though, do to also being my younger sisters friends. I got to be the cool to hang out older brother a bit.

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paragon's profile picture

I'm also '02, and I feel like I can't relate to people my age...I think a large part of it comes from what I did growing up. I was on the internet starting in age 4, I spent a lot of time watching 80s and 90s movies, and I got to listen to a lot of music my parents liked.

My true belief is that the generation differences and conflicts are overblown, but I do sometimes feel like an alien when someone my age talks about what pop culture they like. Doubtlessly, whenever that happens, I have never heard of it.

I used to think I wanted to perpetually live in 1993-2008, but I've moved passed that. We live in the first time in history where you can easily access and engage in the pop culture and subculture of the past. Maybe this is just me, but I also think certain events of the 2000s, like the Iraq War and Great Recession were so bad that they made me lose interest in time travel.

I found things that I liked about the present and things to look forward to. I do not often reminisce about the past anymore.

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