xXSHAY3Xx's profile picture

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Category: Life


Anyone else feel like they haven't aged in years? I'll be turning 21 in December but I still genuinely feel 16. Its so hard to make new friends because it feels like everyone I interact with is like 10 years older than me, even if they're my age. I always just feel so out of place. I don't know. Anyone else relate to this?

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Cyadical's profile picture

Yes, I feel like this all the time especially when it comes to my interest. People my age try talking to me about the new current popular thing, but I never know what they’re saying or haven’t/don’t want to see it.

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Neri's profile picture

when i was 20, i felt 17. now im 23 and i feel 21 somehow. i always feel like im behind on life, but also, definetly not a kid anymore. i notice that very quickly when i interract with younger people. weird how it works.

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saturntine's profile picture

Yes 33 I was talking to a girl I was interested in the other day nd she asked how old I am, I almost said 19... I'm 21 lmfao I either feel like a kid or an old lady

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Felt that lmaooo, I either feel like an eighth grader or a middle aged man with a mortgage

by xXSHAY3Xx; ; Report


Bravopotato's profile picture

Yesss!!! Omg it feels so weird bc ppl are like "Hey how old r u?" and it's like- "Oh. Right. People age and stuff" and it's sooo awkward like UGH

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RIGHT?! Like I know people age but why so fast T_T

by xXSHAY3Xx; ; Report


Sylphide's profile picture

It can happen sometimes, especially if you're very dissociated due to stress or trauma.

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