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Category: Religion and Philosophy

“Digital Salvation”

I had never found an adequate site to display my thoughts on matters such as what I am about to write. I’ve experimented with Discord, but to no avail. Even here I believe my chances of reaching like-minded individuals be not greater than that of conversing to a wall. But I am not here to seek familiarity amongst dwellers of the web, nor that of pity. I simply come here to entertain. 


I find no reason to humor others. Why converse with decaying flesh when one can find infinite youth through the life stream of the web. Here, on the web, an individual can be whatever they please, and, so long as they remain anonymous, can live as many lives as there are stars. But I come here not to speak of the glories of the internet. Rather, I come forth of my geste. 

My strive towards internet paradise has been a though I had reserved in the deepest depths of my psyche. At a young age I knew myself to differ from what society deemed normal. I had the understanding that in keeping an appealing persona, I would have my true ambition undisturbed. Though, at the time I had little idea as to what I sought to achieve. For the longest while I resided in my own mind in what I hoped to accomplish. The more experience I gained, the more defined my ambition had become. My aspiration, my ultimate goal, ascend to a digital heaven. Once I had a clear understanding for what I wanted, all that was required: action. There, my journey towards reaching a digital heaven, had begun. 

The process in which one strives for a digital heaven I had come to refer as digital salvation. There is no clear definition when referring to digital salvation or heaven, nor is there a certain procedure to achieving grace through digital salvation to heaven. But if I had to describe it, “The disconnect of reality and acceptance of the digital world.” The terms contain a multitude of understandings and no one interpretation is definitive. It is left to the individual to define what a digital salvation and heaven equates to them. 

For myself, this journey required me to deprive of all humanity, morality, remorse, sympathy, emotion, pleasure. Any impurities of Human vulnerabilities. All ambition, familiars, aspiration, family, and other prevalent nuisances were dealt with accordingly. Until I was left but a husk. I now spend a majority on my time browsing the internet or indulge in video gaming. If not so, I work my part time in order to sustain my living expenses. I have found great achievement in my life having become a leach on my parents. I eagerly await their demise, as I’ll inherit their fortune, and finally have no one to keep me from ascension to an all digital paradise, where I shall trul no longer be anchored by feeble human decency. 

This is merely a gist of my current philosophy and is developing as I accumulate experiences. Even now I require to reforge aspects of my person. Perhaps an update not in the near future if spacehey continues to exist. If not, I suppose I’ll resort to Discord once again. I hope this post was of jest! 

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