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Category: Food and Restaurants

!The superior drinking vessel!

I find it discouraging that no one has pointed out how clever and amazing juiceboxes are. They deliver tasty drinks in an easy to carry vessel that isn't made entirely of plastic. Not only that, theyre so fun! Others would think theyre childish, but in fact, regularly using juiceboxes in high school shows that you are clever and risk taking, drawing others to you through you're bold choices. As a society, we need to acknowledge how useful juiceboxes are, otherwise there is little hope for this generation.

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Slip_Moth's profile picture

I agree, you can also blow it up and jump on it to create a loud sound, I don't do that because I hate loud sounds but it's a fun thing to try

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tyty, it's great to see others realizing the truth of the matter.

by Brainvvorm; ; Report