"someone wrote this girl's name in my yearbook. Angeline. do you know who that is?"
"oh, uh, I don't know."
"I looked through all of the class pages - we don't have an Angeline here."
"yeah, uh, it's kind of like, a prank the seniors do every year."
"a prank? I don't get it. what's so funny about writing some girl's name in a stranger's yearbook?"
"well like, there's a rumor about a girl with that name. or something."
"a rumor? what rumor?"
"um, it's kind of hard to explain. ask one of the seniors about it."
"dude, no! you know how much they scare me! can you just tell me?"
"ugh, fine. but you can't tell anyone, okay?"
"because- because it's like, really fucked up."
"okay well, there's this rumor that like, 30 years ago there was this girl, Angeline, who went here. she was a junior, like us. she was the preacher's daughter, super unpopular, bullied all the time, stuff like that."
"okay, I don't see how that's fucked up."
"jesus, will you let me finish?"
"okay okay, sorry."
"anyway, she was like super unpopular, right? and nobody liked her because she was the preacher's daughter. so they…um.."
"...so they what?"
"they, uh, took her out to the woods, saying that they were finally gonna invite her to one of their cool parties or whatever."
"okay, and?"
"but it wasn't real. it was a trick."
"and they then like…tried to like…sacrifice her? to like, the devil?"
"and it like, didn't really work, because she turned into, like, a demon afterwards, or something. and she killed one of them. ripped their throat right out."
"yeah. they say she's still up there, in the woods."
"jesus. is that real?"
"probably not. but remember Stuart Reid? the freshman?"
"ew, yeah. I didn't like him. didn't he go missing?"
"yeah, he did. he went up into those woods on a dare, looking for Angeline. never came back."
"that's fucked up."
"I know. they say that you can hear her wailing in the night. someone even said they found her missing poster."
"dude, no."
"can you walk me home tonight?"
"yeah okay."
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*★,°*:.☆ ren $:*.°★* 。
hey we had something a lot like this back where I lived but it was about this dude in a wherehouse whos body decomposed with the rats and had no eye lids or sum
I love urban legends from small towns they're always the weirdest shit you'll ever hear it's awesome
by katherine ˖ ࣪⭑; ; Report
by *★,°*:.☆ ren $:*.°★* 。; ; Report
by katherine ˖ ࣪⭑; ; Report