Forums need to make a proper comeback

Made a similar thread on Newgrounds (and on a group on here) but it's more relevant now with platforms like Reddit making completely idiotic decisions, it's better to just have several individual forums focused on one topic rather than have everything collected on ONE website, because it gives companies too much power and allows them to basically destroy their site with idiotic moves and essentially get away with it because they're so big. Applies to sites like Twitter too, better to have each "section" be on their own forum rather than have all those freaks congregate in one spot and constantly clash with each other.

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Alveus Nosville

Alveus Nosville's profile picture

In the perfect world Subreddits would simply get you a link to relevant forum posts with maybe most basic info up front.
there is actually no space for detailed answers in the comment format, at least not when phones are a consideration

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Vori's profile picture

This. I've seen so many times subreddits clashing for no reason just because they exist on the same website. Forums work because they have their own rules and I don't mean like in reddit. Forums have their own feeling, their own community; it is not a bunch of people glued on the same page.
The only problem with Forums is that you need a account for every one of them, not a big deal but kinda risky if a Forum gets hacked, or something else happens. Maybe the Fediverse will fix that? Idk

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Zeromew03's profile picture

Yeah we need forums to comeback because many fandoms often clash with each other and start talkin smack about each other and eventually it becomes a huge drama which the commentary community(non educational ones) will take advantage of drama make a video about it and will get a fuck ton of views by just doing that.(dang I really miss when the stuff that gets the most views is something really cool or really creative, which I'm sure it still exists but it doesn't get much attention and gets overshadowed by all the drama) :(

Any who let's take an effort to restore forums and everyone can have their own place to talk about their favorite things they're interested in without some hater messing with em.


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well said. :3

by Bakartridge; ; Report