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Category: Writing and Poetry

Elegy of Solitude

Oh, how the world can be so cold,
When one is left to be alone and old.
The days stretch out, so long and bleak,
No one to share the joys we seek.

The laughter fades, the tears run dry,
As we sit and wonder why.
Why must we bear this heavy weight,
Of loneliness that seals our fate?

The memories of love and laughter,
Now seem so far and ever after.
The silence echoes through the halls,
As we long for someone to call.

But in the end, we must embrace,
This solitude that we must face.
For in the quiet, we can find,
A peace that soothes the troubled mind.

So let us mourn, but not despair,
For in this solitude, we can repair.
And though we may be all alone,
We can find a strength to call our own.

1 Kudos


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