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Category: Games

vivillon, lucky shiny ditto, meltan, golden lure, lugia


lv 40 // 70.2%

whoops i ended up not updating for a week.... there have been interesting moments i just never got the chance to sit and write down what happened :')

anyway i finally got the platinum vivillon medal *ugly sobbing*

so turns out the person i talked about before that i got two sandstorm postcards from was either on vacation or spoofing bc after two sandstorms and then like a week of afking they were back in taiwan... 

so then i did my usual desperate search of going on twitter and this site to seek sandstorm people... i even created an account and went out of my way to message everyone i tried sending a request to in hopes that they'll send me a request since their lists were always full

though one unforeseen consequence of doing this was my friend code was at the top of the recently added page or something so i now have like 40 new friends haha :'D but i wasn't ready to have more friends... i accepted them anyway i just probably will get to them very slowly u_u

but turns out one of the people who added me is from egypt! well at first they sent a gift in cairo or something and it didn't count as a sandstorm gift... but then they sent a gift from somewhere else in egypt and then it worked LOL ig they live somewhere on the border between sandstorm and another region.

anyway that's finally done.... o(-(

my friend actually visited again recently and she had enough stardust for us to do our second lucky trade (this one didn't trigger lucky friends right away again haha) and literally the day before that, she caught a shiny ditto... now i don't think i've mentioned this before but i almost always put dittos in gyms just bc i don't really know what else to put in there LOL and i want to keep my strong pokemon out of gyms just in case i need them... and this is a running joke among my friends, so a shiny lucky ditto?? i definitely needed that

it's at a gym right now lol (duna horse statue is also an inside joke, because ig i always send postcards from it since it's near where i work lol) but it is 3* too :3 in exchange i gave her a shiny larvitar i had from the larvitar community day that she missed and it turned into a 3* as well. another good lucky trade! hopefully we reach lucky friends again before i go visit her in like a month

i also finally learned how meltan works lol... i wasn't playing when it debuted so i didn't know this ig but i realized you use pokemon home and transfer pokemon from go to home to get some item that summons meltans around you like every 30 seconds... bruh i was wondering how people had like dozens of meltans i thought you could only get it from the special research so i was confused since there's only two meltans you can get from those LOL

so i did some meltan candy farming for the first time and now have almost 200. would've been more if i wasn't short on pinap berries lol :') also this is my best meltan so far, got this from research, i'm happy with this so far

i also finally got my first golden lure for the gimminghoul coins... i rarely use my switch so i'm very on and off about remembering to send postcards to my game lol but i finally sent enough to get my first golden lure :) i placed it in a starbucks near where i work so hopefully others were able to get some golden coins too if they needed it

also happy lugia raid day i think i will try shiny hunting this one just bc i like the shiny design :') i hosted one today and almost failed bc my pending friend requests list would not load for some reason... i finally got it to work with 30 seconds left until the lobby disbanded lol and invited some of my other friends

was pretty chill but lugia is soooo hard to catch... thank god shiny catch rate is like rly high bc i cannot deal with that and the added stress of a shiny potentially running away

0 Kudos


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