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Category: Games

lucky trade


lv. 40 // 33.8%

tbh i don't rly remember how i got this tornadus but i finally got it registered in my pokedex! i also caught another one, i think to help someone else catch it, but its stats are pretty similar, nothing spectacular

one of my friends visited so we finally got to do a lucky trade! it was my first ever lucky trade; i never got to do it even back on my old account. i also have like at least six lucky friends in my list lol but i'm not really close with any of them except her so...

but tbh i didn't rly have a particular pokemon that i wanted to be lucky, so i just settled for her shiny dusknoir bc it looked cool. and i gave her my extra latias which was only 2 stars but when we traded it was like 96% perfect IVs... she defiinitely got the most benefit from this trade LOL

also i have like more than 1 million stardust so cost wasn't a big deal for me, but she only had like a few thousand lol but was able to farm enough stardust to get exactly 40k lol (but then she fed berries at a gym and got more stardust flsfjsfls) idk i manage to get by just fine without spending stardust or powering up my pokemon so i rarely spend, but sometimes i do wish i could carry hard in raids... maybe after level 45 i'll consider spending more of my dust :P

after we traded that interaction actually made us become lucky friends again! which is insane bc the chances of lucky friend is like 1% per interaction i think? so getting it right after a lucky trade is wild

though there was one other person who i became lucky friends with just 1-2 days after becoming best friends xD

we walked along a trail that i usually take for exercise and passed a gym with ho-oh on the way so we decided to gather our remote friends to take on the gym. it was pretty easy especially with a team full of rock pokemon, also one of our friends carried us hard lol and one of my "best friends" that i never saw irl actually accepted my random invitation and helped us out too! and its stats were good so i can cross ho-oh off the list

it was FREEZING outside though so my fingers were nearly falling off while trying to do the raid D: i had to take a break to warm up my hands and let everyone else do the work lol i hope the weather gets warmer soon...

knowing chicago weather tho it'll probably only be like 2 days of moderately warm weather before it skyrockets to scorching 70-80 degree weather

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