No creo en la muerte / I don't believe in death


Sinceramente no se como explicarme sin sonar tarada, estúpida o egocéntrica, pero es que lo cierto es que no asimilo el morirse. Es un hecho que todos vamos a morir algún día, todos sin excepción, pero aún así me parece una locura pensar en que yo misma me voy a morir. No me entra que un día se acabe todo, mis pensamientos, mis ideas, mis sentimientos y emociones, mi consciencia. Solo nada. No me puedo imaginar el nada. No soy religiosa, pero cualquier creencia me parece mejor que simplemente desaparecer. 

Por mas que me esfuerce no logro comprender como es la nada ni siquiera posible. Así que debe haber algo más, ¿No? Pero entonces, ¿el que? Me parece igual de incomprensible que al morir nos convirtamos en un alma sin cuerpo o en una figura fantasmal. La creencia que más he meditado como plausible es la reencarnación, mi consciencia sin memoria en otro cuerpo. No es que sea más racional, pero es la idea que encuentro menos confusa y mas preferible. 

Podría pasarme la vida pensando en esto, sabiendo que solo sabré la verdad cuando muera y sin llegar a ningún lado. 

¿Me asusta la muerte? No. Me confunde y da curiosidad.


I truly don't know how to express myself without sounding foolish, stupid or even selfish, but the truth is that I cannot process death. It's a fact that everybody is going to die some day, without any exeptions, but I still think that it's crazy that I, myself I'm going to die. My brain just can't accept that one day all will be over, my thoughts, my feelings and emotions, my concscience and my awareness. Just nothing left. I can't imagine that "nothing". I'm not a religious person, but any belief seems better to me than just disapear. 

No matter how much I try it I don't even understand how is "the nothing" possible. So there must be something else, no? But what? It seems as unreal to me that when we die we turn bodyless souls or ghosts. The faith that I thing it might be the most likely to be true is the reincarnation, my concscience without memories in another body. It doesn't make more sense, but I find that idea least confusing and more preferable.

I could spend my whole life thinking about that, knowing that I will only know the truth when I die, going nowhere.

Am I scared of death? No. I'm curious and confused.

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Let me ask you... Does the music reside inside the radio? What happens when the battery dies and the music stops? Is it all over? No of course not. Who you are does not reside within you.. you are so much more than that. You are not your thoughts you are the one who observes them. I dont know all the secrets. But I know the answers to these things. So.. back to death. The fact that you seek tells me you are awake. To that I would say continue seeking truth. Find the answers.. but where right? Where are the answers. God doesnt tell us.. other people are bias.. so where? Friend I tell you everything is within. The kingdom is within. Walk with the knowledge that your creator/projector is with you. Find the voiceless voice. Fear nothing. Seek with eternal kindness and understanding and all of the answers you seek will be found.

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I wrote that two months ago, I've thinked a lot since then and haven't made up any better conclusion. So now I like to belive that the answers will come at the right moment, when I'll be able to look for them on the right time and places. Thank you so much for your answer.

by public_enemy#1; ; Report

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There's definitely something after death. I think there are documentaries on YouTube about people who had near death experiences, and most of them claimed that the place they went to felt peaceful. Tbh I don't know what's worse; nothingness after death or the possibility of going to hell (if you believe in hell).

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YEAH RIGHT?? Like the idea of nothing feels impossible and the idea of eternal suffering sounds as surreal and terrifying too, so I've basically concluded that if I don't wanna get crzy about it the best is to believe in a better afterlife (or not think about it atall)

Tky btw I'll definitely be watching those documentaries!

by public_enemy#1; ; Report