Sylphide's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

Hello! (byf) (updated)


I'm just doing this mostly because of boredom, also to fill the profile up a bit.

Hello, I'm Sylphide, although I hoard names so I have quite a few more. I'm 21 and I'm usually bored.

If you're younger than me I tend to Become A Dad, so warning there XD

I tend to have different fixation cycles, might talk about them in posts here. 

I also speak about my special interests if given the chance, or go radio silence for a long stretch of time (do not freak out pls) (I just forget what pages I have XD)

Do avoid friending me if you're "right leaning" of any kind, think slurs aren't "a big deal" or use ones of communities that are outside of your own communities, or if mental health and leftist talk bothers you in any way.

Have a nice day!

1 Kudos


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LadyCat 🌺

LadyCat 🌺's profile picture


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Thankfully i'm not that kind of person on your BYF haha but always good to take notes!

by LadyCat 🌺; ; Report

Hahhaha yeah it's always good to know the bounderies :) Thanks for checking the post!

by Sylphide; ; Report