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Category: Music

Does songwriting come easy to anyone else?

Like i just write it as it comes and it flows beautifully 90% of the time.

Yet when I sit down to focus on songwriting suddenly nothing works??

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LadyRafela's profile picture

When I was a kid yes, it came naturally - annoyingly so. I say annoyingly because whenever I would start on one musical work, another idea, then another, and another would pop up during the process of the first one.

Now, not so much. I know part of the problem is anxiety and worrying too much about whether it makes sense or is good. Sadly, because I've been busy doing other things, I haven't exercised that creative side of me, so naturally it's a little harder, but not impossible. What also doesn't help is when I force it or "command" it to happen. Naturally, ideas come when I'm doing other things. May sound counter-intuitive, but hey, that's what normally happened for me....still does at times.

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What we both may need to do is somehow find a way to make sitting down in front of the piano, computer, etc. a friendly place for creativity to happen and not make it seem like a chore, or something to do the check off a to-do list.

I know people have said to try putting creative constraints during the hour or so. By this I mean flipping a coin, a random wheel that helps choose the genre, time signature (rhythm), topic, and length of the music project to help get things flowing.

1. Write a 2-minute pop punk song within an hour.
2. Write a song about a breakup in AABA form.

by LadyRafela; ; Report


Slip_Moth's profile picture

No, not really, maybe you just have a knack for it

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it may be that, or i may just have had a few too many years in poetry classes/hj

by Retsycas; ; Report