My book :]

My school year ended on the 31st of May with my last exam - now I have all the free time in the world!! So I'm finally working on my book - "Blue (Just Like Raspberries)", and I want to tell you about it.

It's my precious child, born from my tears, sweat and passion for character studies. I'm planning to make it into a series. It's about healing, found family, difficult and toxic relationships, and coming to terms with your past and mistakes, learning to trust again. In my mind, it's a beautiful and very human mess of a story that is just made more complicated by the magical world the characters live in.

The main character is 38-year-old NowomiƂ Smith. Everyone calls him "Neo" because his Polish name is too hard to say for his British co-workers. He moved to England a few months before the start of the story, and he's a new history teacher at a private magical school - Giffards Institute. Everything would be totally okay and normal if not for one detail. He knows everyone, but no one knows him. 20 years before the action of the first book, Neo had to fake his death and escape the country. Now he's back under a new name and a "new face". And now he has to face people from his past without revealing his secrets.

I love this character very much. He's the silliest old man ever. I have the first chapter of the first draft already written, and I'm writing the second one :D I'm so excited!!

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