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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

How many of y'all know about the swan princess movie and There sequels

Okay long story short for everyone the Princess Swan Series Started back in 1994 by Nest Entertainment (They also have a lot of Christian movies, not a shocker really) And was directed by Richard Rich He also Director Some Alpha and Omega But we are not talking about that

Now, you probably think that a movie like this probably has like three sequels But you've been mistaken Because there are 10 sequels with The 10th one coming on the way I wish I was joking the last film was in 2020 And they upgraded to 3D animation back in 2012 And stuck with it because You don't have to draw every single detail you could just load up the models and just animate itĀ 

The Swan Princess: Christmas

The Swan Princess: A Fairytale Is Born

They kind of updated it but not as crazy there's the same model but Like any series that goes on for five movies that follows a Couple They have to have a kid And I want you to guess Something is the kid's biological or adopted Because her dad died because a weird Smoky black Thing try to kill Odette but failed and accidentally killed the kid's father if you guys adoption you are correct Also the kid this movie gets captured by these flying squirrels That are basically brainwashed into believing the Smoky thing

The only reason why this got my attention Is that I turn on my hotel TV and I only caught the last couple of minutes of The Swan Princess: Royally Undercover it was so funny because I have no contacts in this scene other than what I have seen I'm not going to tell you it cuz Want you to watch this Series and suffer the same knowledge I know

Also, watch this video if The Curiosity got to you It's really good and I think it opens up a lot about the company and the moviesĀ

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