name:: Thu
nickname:: ry
how old are you:: 18
zodiac sign:: scorpio
current location:: Vietnam
eye color:: blackish brown
hair color:: reddish brown and pink under
hair type:: straight
hieght:: 1m52
your heritage:: asian i guess??
what's your middle name:: Tran Anh
shoe's you wore today:: sandals hehe
your weakness:: lots
your fear:: cockroaches
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: nope
do you want to:: maybe
goal you would like to achieve this year:: learn how to sew and cook
first thought when you wake up:: just a bit more
best physical feature:: probably my hair
who is your bestest freind:: my bf
when is your bedtime:: 2AM
your most cherished memory:: cant think of any rn
pepsi or coke:: coke
mc dondalds or burgerking:: neither
singel or group dates:: i dont understand
what is the last song you sang:: sarcasm
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: kind of...
what is your biggest pet peeve:: when someone let me be the lead, it boils my fucking blood
do you drink:: yeah
ever been drunk:: yes
do you smoke:: nope
do you "SMOKE":: nah
do you sing:: ofc!
what color underwear do you have on:: black!
do you want to go to college:: I am in college
have you ever been in love:: yep
do you wnat to get married:: sure
do you believe in yourself:: yes!!
do you believe inothers:: only certain people
do you like thunderstorms:: they're cool
do you play an instrument:: I used to play the organ
what do you want to be when you grow up:: probably a teacher
what country would you like to visit:: Switzerland!
how many CD's do you own:: none...
how many DVD's do you own:: used to have so many but none rn..
how many tattoo's do you have:: none :(
how many piercings do yo have:: 5
how many things in the past do you regeret:: I don't regret
shoes:: boots
radio station:: none
drink:: lemonade or tea
car:: none
place:: can't tell
song:: MCR - I don't love you
movie:: lolita
moment:: lying around with my bf
color:: pink
meal:: noodles
favorite eye color:: anything
favorite hair color:: anything
short or long hair:: long
height:: taller than me
body type:: chubby (my bf)
does ethnicity matter:: nope
piercings:: maybe some
tattoos:: sure
do you think you are attractive:: yes!!
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: nope
would you like to be someones fantasy:: I'm great so
hunter or hunted:: hunted??
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed you weirdo
a little or a lot of tongue:: a lot
older or younger:: bothhh
lights on/lights off or candle light:: lights on
do you like to cuddle after:: ofc
do you like to cuddle in general:: always
what is todays date:: 10 June
what time is it:: 12:51AM
who are you thinking of:: my bf
what are you listening to:: famous last words
do you love someone:: my bf yes
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: no...
does someone love you:: yep
is it raining:: it will soon
how many myspace friends do you have:: 23!
are you happy:: I try
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