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Category: Blogging

Oh no?

I woke to messages from my mom (she’s on vacation) saying she was gonna call the cops and like 10 missed calls!?? Now she’s not responding and I have no clue what to do about it some1 help me

- update !!

Everything’s okay, she just had a bad feeling about the situation so she freaked out, everything’s okay!!

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hxlloketty's profile picture

If your mom is staying at a hotel you should contact their reception and ask them if they've seen her since her last call to you. If they're able to contact her in her room, and if not, if they can provide a description of her clothes that day then you can use that info to give to local police so they can look out for her if needed ,
Hope things will be ok bless you!

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I think she’s more so directing at me and my sibling who’s watching me, I think my sister did smth but I am not sure hats going on but thank you so much!!

by Zombi; ; Report

Oh my gosh well thank goodness she isn't in any danger herself but omg wtf why say that to you oh no!!

by hxlloketty; ; Report