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guys i love my dog so much... so im gonna talk about her... she's like super old (i dont really know how old, but she has one blind eye and probably some other old dog issues) and she stinks like a million sweaty feet but i love her anyways because really if you love something enough you ignore their stench (something like that...). anyways, her name is sassy and she's a mixed breed between a chihuahua and a pomeranian, two very annoying small dog breeds. surprisingly enough, she's actually not that annoying... i think she took the best traits from the two breeds and left out most of the bad ones. she still barks a ton whenever people on her $hitlist come over, but overall she's a very good girl! she likes to sleep on my dirty laundry (i think she likes it because it smells like me... i would let her sleep with me in my bed but she'd probably bully me off and just take the entire bed for herself) and i have to be careful with waking her up bc she gets spooked very easily. sassy kind of has a hatred for every other living creature that isnt a human, which im not entirely sure why, but to each their own. we recently got a new puppy, leo, who really wants to play with her, but she really wants him to die i think. i wish they would play with each other because i worry that sassy will get lonely spending all of her time with just me or by herself, but she seems to disagree with that sentiment since she snarls at the puppy all the time. she's kind of a bitter, spiteful dog... but i love her anyways, because she's actually kind of supportive when she wants to be. (during the period when i was writing that sentence, i had to stop halfway through to kill a CENTIPEDE on my floor!! arrrghhhhhh...) anyways, just wanted to talk about my dog for a minute. i worry about what i'll do with myself when she's not around anymore, but she seems to be fine right now so i shouldn't worry too much about it. thinking negatively about the future is definitely a bad habit i need to look out for. 

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