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Category: Blogging

ポッチのネット恥 \(º □ º l|l)/

☆*・゚゜・*:˙。˙ ˙。˙:*・⌒ Selamat Pagii... ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆

I wrote this entire blog yesterday, but, it was tragically swept away and lost forever when I did a heinous crime of accidentally going to the last page... Clearly. ( ´ー`)y-~~
SO! I atoned for my crime, and I'm ready to tell the story this time. よしそろそろ行くぞ!!
A few days ago, I talked about how we need the kid’s MMO back, right? i guess it’s not totally safe.. but it's better than TikTok for kids! But, I have my own battle wounds from kids MMOs... σ(^_^;)

I think my first online game was Animal Jam, back in 2010... It was weird, I was such an unassuming cute little girl, and the first animal I ever made was a black wolf with orange flames and evil eyes called EMPEROR TOUGHCHAMP. And EMPEROR TOUGHCHAMP was truly the TOUGHEST of CHAMPS... (It didn't help that my family didn't trust the game, because the name Animal Jam sounds like 'Jelly made of Animal Parts' in their language.. ( ̄_, ̄ ) )

I was very confused as a kid, so, usually, I'd switch my eyes back and forth from girl and boy... and I'd always get people following me and eagerly asking to date... Both boys and girls! (@_@;) I guess, at the age, I didn't see the implication 'dating girls', because EMPEROR TOUGHCHAMP was his own wolf, right!?
When kids date in Animal Jam though, it's like... 'let's sit together and do heart eyes, OK?'  I'm only 7... it gets boring... (눈_눈  ) So, usually, I'd just leave and go somewhere else, playing games, dressing up, etc... but, then... sometimes, two of my partners would follow me at the same time. Every single time... without fail... they got in a massive argument!! A few times, it was even a boy and a girl that caught me... and they would start dating and lock me out of the house!! ~(>_<。)\ I think I deserved it, for toying with so many hearts...

I remember when they added membership, it was such a big deal... Not many kids had it yet, so we saw members like gods! I befriended one member who taught me all kinds of tricks, glitches, etc... she was my guardian angel... ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
One day, she told me she wanted to show me a rare exploit... but, we had to do it in private, so we wouldn't get banned. I was so excited!! So, she took me into an empty server, sat me down, and told me this intricate code to type in to reveal something cool. She promised me, 'the more equals you add, the better'. I could hardly contain my excitement... what rare treasure will it reveal??!

So, grinning ear to ear... i typed it carefully..


I was banned instantly. ( ͡ ' ˍゝ͡ ' )

THAT SERIOUSLY PISSED ME OFF SO BAD??!! (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ I ended up having a tantrum and cried so hard I got ill!? When all was said and done, all I could do now was creep downstairs from the computer room... to my mom... so I could come clean before she saw the e-mail they sent her describing my crimes. o(TヘTo) I GOT SCOLDED SO MUCH... I harbored so much hate that night, I sat in bed sniffling to myself and drawing an angsty music video about it on my DSi. That's how you know it's bad.

When I was maybe... 8-11... I started getting into a little more mischief online! It's not even that I had bad intention, but I wanted to stupidly make everyone laugh... but I was terrible at it.

If I could go back in time, I'd say, 'y'know Pocchi, jokes work just fine too! ヽ(~_~(・_・ )ゝ'

There was a multiplayer game where you played as a mouse, and you had to work together with other player mice to get and bring back a piece of cheese to the mousehole! I'd clear through levels for hours with everyone... but, one level, I tragically fell to my death and ruined the level for everyone somehow... (」# °ロ°)」Everyone got so mad and made fun of me for levels on... but, I had a perfect idea! So in the chat, I said...

'Sorry! It was my little brother!'

... No one bought it.

Everyone just started making fun of it harder, and me, being a naive little kid online... HAD to fight the allegations! After all... who am I without my virtual mouse social status...?! So we went back and forth, arguing that it really was my little brother... and of course, you have to milk it... 'Of course that's my little brother! We adopted him from Belgium! He weighs 28 pounds! He has an evil alternate personality!!! He only knows how to play Super Mario on the Wii!!!!! He got rabies once!!!!!!' The mockery only continued... so, in the heat of the moment, I fiercely spat out a comeback... but, not only was it bad, but, i went...

'Well... you're OVERRATTED!!!"

the chat exploded...


Oh.. the mockery is too much...
ah... no worries... suddenly, came my final resolve.

Stepping away from the computer, I took a deep breath. Okay.

Calmly... I sat back down and began to type.

'Sorry! It was my little sister!'

I was banned instantly. ( ͡ ' ˍゝ͡ ' )

(≖、≖╬) Maybe the little Pocchi deep inside my heart is still bitter, but, MAYBE THAT WAS STILL UNFAIR!? Kids are annoying, but.. woah!! Well... many such cases... you shouldn't let very little kids online, since they'll just humiliate themselves!! That's an important lesson... everyone gets it one day.

SO! If you don't have a story from your early online days that appear in your worst nightmares... did you really even grow up online!? Tell me something mortifying you did as a kid online! It's your defining trait after all!

20 Kudos


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schfart schfartzer mcschfartington

schfart schfartzer mcschf...'s profile picture

i played animal jam too!! i have so many good memories of that game :) and as the stupid 8 year old i was back then i ended up quitting when my membership ended :P

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i remember my username used to be dreamymilkicake

by schfart schfartzer mcschfartington; ; Report


tricksterAlchemist's profile picture


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citronella!'s profile picture

aaahhhh i used to pull the exact same stuff in transformice when i was like 8- i have very vivid memories of purposely sabotaging everyone when i was shaman bcus i didnt like the ppl in the room them saying my computer glitched lmao

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Alveus Nosville

Alveus Nosville's profile picture

"Oh shoot, little brother excuse didn't work, time to change strategy"

Honestly though it feels like the ban hammers of the day were held with some heavy hands. I was skeptical and/or moral enough to always question people trying to give me "cheats" or "exploits" and such, also surprisingly good at knowing when to quit. I distinctly recall getting into an argument with someone on an MMO (my namesake by the way) and I said I was an admin. But I did it knowing I can't dig into thagt, so I immediatelly backtracked saying something to the effect "I'm actually not, but I could've been, so you gotta watch your mouth".
I honestly don't think I ever got banned anywhere till last year. RIP my first Discord account, that I had since summer 2017. The fact that I even re-instated the same discriminator makes them changing the name system especially infuriating for me.

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that new name system is really obnoxious.. (;一_一) I have a super new account, so clearly I'll be waiting age. A lot of mods on some MMOs were just teenagers or college students doing it as volunteer work, and a lot of them got a power trip, at least, that was my experience during that era.. (¯―¯٥)

by ポッチ; ; Report

Jon 🐇

Jon 🐇's profile picture

aw! no fair! X( *hugs*

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root's profile picture

funny story. kids do be mean sometimes man

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Skkelyton's profile picture

Zomg I was a little Animal Jam HEARTBREAKER back in my younger years!! (maybe like 7-8 yrs old) Except... I would dress my artic wolf as a boy and decorate my den like a boy's (slime wallpaper n like every plushie except the pink ones) n then I'd go down 2 the pillow room n get myself a GF ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ Not once did I ever get an aj bf but I had like 6 aj girlfriends back in 2011

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