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Category: Music

Freckles - Natasha Bedingfield

Today we are taking a trip back to 2007. A very interesting time, and when this wonderful song came out.

I think I first heard this song on the iCarly album, haha. It was during a time when I really needed it. I was struggling with this new anxiety that appeared out of nowhere, and people's words affected me more than I ever thought they would. So when I heard this song, it reminded me that we might all see our 'imperfections', but that doesn't mean we aren't perfect in our own way. We are all individuals with our own beauty, because 'why waste a second not loving who you are'.

Now let's get onto the song. From what I can hear, the instruments are just Acoustic guitars and drums. The music starts with the acoustic guitar, slowly bringing her voice in, then the drums, and then introducing some lovely backing vocals. For some reason, Natasha Bedingfield's songs always remind me of summer; maybe I just listened to her a lot in summer as a child. I like that the introduction of the instruments is hard to notice unless you are looking for it; it shows that the transition is smooth. It's a really soothing song that makes her message even more emotional.

Overall, the lyrics are just incredible. They're also relatable to many of us, caring too much about what people think about us, which can make us doubt ourselves. But we really need to be able to see the natural beauty within us because those 'little imperfections make you beautiful, lovable, valuable, they show your personality'. I know that I even disliked my freckles for a while, but listening to this song really made me realise how beautiful they are. The lyrics show that although we might not like things about ourselves, we should learn to love them as they are our uniqueness; though this is difficult, it is an important lesson.

I hope that this song might bring a spark of joy to your day. But also that it might help someone realise how truly wonderful they are. Thanks for reading x

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