so i've been browsing through neocities sites a lot lately, and it's giving me The Itch to make one of my own.
i have a lot of ideas i want to put into it, but the problem is that i'm absolutely stupid when it comes to coding and HTML - but i still wanna give it a go because it's been a childhood dream of mine.
so! to keep myself motivated and accountable so i don't immediately lose interest like my ADHD keeps doing to my new hobbies, i'm going to document my progress here.
so far, i have an idea and a domain name. and that's really about it.
resources would be massively appreciated.
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Sadgrl's Layout Builder - Generate your own customized html & css layout to use as a base for your site.
W3Schools - Lots of tutorials for lots of languages. It is incredibly useful to fiddle with the "try it yourself" thing and edit the code live to see what does what. Here's the HTML code specifically since this will be your main thing.
If you see a site you like use inspect element and view source to see how they did it.
If you have a visual in mind then drawing it out could help. Not any fancy shit, just do some pencil scribbles for the general layout.
I 100% recommend trial by fire. Just start making your website. Go google specific things you need to do but otherwise just start right now. Learning without coding doesnt help, in actual coding classes themselves you're coding the stuff you learn as you go, not learning and then applying the knowledge later. Just wanted to specify that since SO MANY people I try to convince to make a site are like "No, I gotta Learn Code first..." no!! what the hell is even that! there is no before learning code and after learning code there is just doing code as you go! its like saying you need to Learn Art before you even attempt to draw!