
i bite at the hand 

i didnt know it would feed

 i broke into a million pieces

  1. i didnt know how to need 

contact with your soul

left me needing too much 

now im lost 

and sore to the touch 

how would i know 

youd travel into my universe 

how would i know itd be such a curse

i tries to love but i didnt know how i tried to love, now im 6 ft underground

i no longer love the world is not kind

i no longer love, id rather be blind

blind to your beauty pained by the space 

stuck in the middle

i miss your embrace

while the world goes round im stuck

my brain is filled with mud and muck 

i despise every moment of this life 

the blessing to end it with a knife

to kill me would be the end 

to kill me, id kill my only friend 

you were the only one who understood 

youre the only one who stood by the moods

i lost the need to breathe when you said goodbye 

i lost my lungs, i must die

please end this agony of mine

so i can be at peace

maybe youll be mine again in time

only in death devine

0 Kudos


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