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Friendship / Alpha Bracelet Making

So recenetly I started making friendship bracelets again. I've had the skills to make these for years now but I've never pushed myself past the default diagonal lines and the chevron patterns. So recently, I decided to try and learn patterns that are more complicated and create different forms and images. To my surprise, this shit was easy as hell. I made a Triforce bracelet for my boyfriend as practice, and after that I came across Alpha bracelets. I had never heard of these till I looked around on one of the bracelet making sites I found. So then I was determined to learn Alpha bracelets as they seemed to be much better. I discovered that they weren't too difficult either and I've made two now. A ladybug one for my mom, and a dog one that says woof for me lmao. I have a puppyboy agenda to follow.

After learning these new techniques and bracelet making, I've really decided to make this one of my new hobbies. Digital art is my main one but I've been in my burnout era. And not having something that will consume me for hours keeping my hands and brain busy is absolutely agonizing to me and terrible for my mental health. So I am ecstatic that I've found something to fill this emptiness till I get back to drawing one day.

There's quite a lot of bracelets I want to make but I need to go out and buy the colors for them. I have a lot, but somehow not these ones lmao. I really want to make this Animal Crossing bracelet I found but I ran out of white whoops. I also want to make a couple of Splatoon ones, one for me and one for my cousin. Possibly another one if my other cousin wants one too. I also plan on teaching one of them, once again unless the other is also interested, how to make these this summer and I'm very excited.

I think more people should learn how to make these kinds of bracelets. I feel not many make them anymore. It's also just fun and gladly not too expensive from my experience. You can buy a lot of string for pretty cheap. And I'm all for cheap hobbies as someone who doesn't have much money 😭.

If anyone is interested in where you can learn how to make these or find good patterns, I suggest these two sites:

I'm Noxilous on both sites if you wanna friend/follow me C:

But yeah! My bracelet making journey so far. I'm excited to continue making epic and cool alpha bracelets C:

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