Good Morning,
I drive a tractor trailer in the lower 48 states of the United States and I have my dog, Sasha, as my traveling companion. It is great having her with me. Not only is she great security, but she also help keep me active and she keeps me company. Dogs are really amazing and they make bring laughter also. One of the challenges of having a pet on the truck though is when they get sick. We are unable to pull these 73 foot long trucks into many parking lots and veterinarians are not always in an area where there is a large lot. I came across this problem yesterday. Sasha ended up getting diarrhea. This didn't bother me too much because she has had it before. I kept an eye on her and she got over it quickly. This time though it isn't going away and it has almost clear. She isn't acting sick at all but it still has me concerned. I nice man came up to me and started talking to me about the military (I wear the type I Navy work pants with a hi-vis shirt as my work uniform). Before he left, I asked him if there was a veterinary near by and he told me were one was. I called them and found out that I can get a 73 foot tractor trailer in the lot next to them and I can bring Sasha in at 0800. So, Sasha is going to see the doctor. I'll also get her shots updated while there too.
-Oklahoma Tomcat
"Life is fragile, handle with care"
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