do my curtains match your curtains

do you guys ever wonder if the way we perceive colors is different ? like not just in the sense of like personal taste but how we actually see them. i think about this so much, like, my red could be someone else's blue, or a whole other color i cant even think up. speaking of, we probably CAN think up colors we've never seen, but we just cant see them as anything but the colors we're allowed to perceive. unless the brain itself prevents us from doing that since its what lets us perceive things and think stuff up which makes my previous statement redundant. anyways gist of this entry is blue = red and our brains dont want us to have fun

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★ calicorocket

★ calicorocket's profile picture

I feel like this works in the opposite direction too. like how would you even explain a colour to someone who has never seen it before?

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yeahh even if we had different names we wouldnt be able to explain em like you said. "it's like if red had a baby with yellow" "no clue what those are all i got was shminglenorf D:"

by SallyMew; ; Report

maybe if we described the feelings commonly associated with the colour? like how everyone has a different idea for what school subject should go in what colour folder

by ★ calicorocket; ; Report

yeah but then it gets personal, like one time someone i knew said red WASNT a designated math folder color ???? objectively incorrect [joke ofc] but i guess then we could at least get to the point of understanding the colors vibe :)

by SallyMew; ; Report

that's true! I feel like there's certain characteristics of colours that are universal tho, like blue being cold, but honestly that might be just me. and yes, math is most certainly red >:0

by ★ calicorocket; ; Report

i do agree with the universal characteristics, but what if someone sees blue or the cold color as something completely different ?? like for example two people look at a "warm" color, but person 1 sees it as a color person 2 would NOT consider a warm color ?? it technically IS that descriptor because thats how both (and all people) were raised to consider it as, but due to the two people having different color brain wavelengths or whatevs, they dont see it the same way. so using a word that is considered universal might not fully get the message across to another person trying to imagine a color theyve never seen, if you get what im saying :00

by SallyMew; ; Report


sophie's profile picture

i cant even comprehend what other colors could look like and thatz probably why i cant see them, and WHERE do other creatures see these colors that we cant?????

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yeah like for example im pretty sure magenta is a color we cant properly process, hence its pinkish color, but butterflies CAN see it as its supposed to be processed. its crazy ! maybe one day we'll invent smth to see a wide selection of color possibilities, but i guess at that point itd become like numbers, infinite. but then we wouldnt even be able to see em all. also who knows if we can even do that ? what if its completely impossible scientifically for a new color to be imagined/created even WITH technological advancements ??

by SallyMew; ; Report

idk but i hope so, even if there are so many colors, it feels unfortunate i cant see them all

by sophie; ; Report


Slip_Moth's profile picture

Yeah and there's no way of knowing either

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yeah cuz like even if we switched eyeballs our brains would probably just see the same old colors… idk if you switched both your eyeballs and brain maybe youd explode from the experience of seeing a new color

by SallyMew; ; Report