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SUMMER IS HERE! Thoughts and Plans... (its so hot!)

HEY ALL! how's everybody doing? i hope youre all doing really well!! me personally, im just trying not to die of heat stroke... it would seem that the summer sun has finally touched down in my part of mexico, so of course that means another blistering and hot summer without air conditioning.. you know how it is T_T AAAAAAAAAAAA

anyways, i am now ~ officially ~ off single mom house duty! YEP THATS RIGHT! i dont have to worry about the house or the cats or my sister any longer, mother has officially come back from her travels for the week soooo YAYYYY (well, at least i wont have to do it all alone, so thats smth AHSHJA)

but im glad, tho, i really missed her! we've been relaxing at home all day, and tomorrow we're gonna go out and see what we can eat :3 she treated me to a coffee and some food yesterday; and while my little sister is enjoying a travel with her boyfriend and his family, we're just gonna be resting here trying not to melt away HAHA

On that note... i kinda realized ive become Spencer ICarly... like in real life..... and idk how to feel about it.......... like im the weird older artist sibling who has to take care of her little sister whos way more popular and whos friends are always invading my house...... WHY DOES LIFE FEEL LIKE A SITCOM SOMETIMES?!?

anyways, enough about that nonsense, how have my weeks been?!? well honestly, kindaaaa funky in a way! or at least, idk how to describe how ive been HAHAHA- i mean, jeez, its not like a lot is happening with me at the moment, but honestly, it sometimes feels like that!

I'm still in the process of trying to wrap up my college process before i start classes in august, theres a lot of payments i gotta do, but thankfully im thinking its all still gonna go smoothly! despite what my anxieties may tell me... i keep getting worried that im missing something or that something in the process went wrong and i wont be able to enter, but the truth of the matter is that, well, university websites and internal systems can be slow as hell sometimes HAHAHA- ill just yknow, stay still and trust itll all go over smoothly, i really cant wait to go to uni!!

hmmm, well what else? now that its summer, my friends who were already in uni are finally free!!! so we're definitely gonna be doing more stuff together :P i might even have a chance to head over to the mall to shop for a new bikini, i want a pink one now! (or maybe ill try orange? idk, what do yall think? is orange a good color for a bottle blonde? thinking emojI) we might go to a pool in the city but idk yet, but we're DEF heading to my friends ranch where we could camp out and take a dip and roast marshmallows and watch movies on a small laptop... HEHEH SORRY, I GOT EXCITED JUST TYIPING THAT OUT!!

oof its cus, last summer thats exactly what we did, and it was SO much fun!! it was just me and for of my friends, and in fact i was the only girl, but it was so much fun!! the trip was wonderful, as we travelled in a car to the ranch, the mountains were so green and lush- and the sky was so beautiful, when youre away from the light pollution of the city, you really get to see way way more!! i was the only girl who was allowed to stay over to sleep , like i mentioned before, but it was so fun XD two of the boys kept scaring each other with youtube creepypastas and horror stories, and i dont think we fell asleep till like 4 am LMAOAO

 it was so much fun, i really did feel like "one of the boys" in that mini trip so it was a unique experience hehehe- i hope we can do it again!!

this monday we're also gonna go watch spiderverse and im SO EXCITED! spiderverse was one of my most fav movies, to the point that i watched it like 6 times in theaters when it came xD and i keep hearing its so good, i sooo wanna watch it already!! ;_;

the only other thing thats on my mind is moving with my grandpa next month- its gonna be a big process and change, but, im hoping ill be able to settle in well- i wanna get a new chair and a new PC, so fingers crossed i can secure that!! its a bit scary to move again after one like a year and a half in this house, and only 2 years in this city, but honestly, its fine- moving as a sad high schooler is way different than moving as a well adjusted young adult HAHA- surprisingly i have little anxieties about it, maybe because my body knows not to worry about it anymore :P and hey! mountains and more cloudy weather will be over there! it would suck not to take that opportunity x3

for now, im gonna enjoy the final summer of my sabbatical- i dont wanna sound to corny or cheesy, or like im puttin' my heart on the table, but im very excited for this next period of my life! i truly feel like ive never been more ready to start anew, like, i just feel like theres so many opportunities i gotta take this time! like sure, meeting new people isssss a lil nerve wracking, but hey , for the first time im not worried that i'll be ambushed by teenagers who'll pick on me for being a bit of a weird artsy dude x3

its another fresh start, and im more than excited to welcome it >:D (i mean, who knows! maybe ill find cute boys at uni too...?) HEHEHE

well in any other news im still trying to draw and all that jazz, sometimes i still struggle but i wont let it get me down; i try my hardest to keep my head even if its hard! i have big hopes for the future so i cant let the present bring me down too much :33

well then, thats all folks!! til next time, heres to hoping this is a wonderful and fun summer for all of us! >:D


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