Cat pictures

heyyy today i went outside and took a pic of every cats i stumbled upon with my Olympus SP-820uz

Here are the cats

I regret not zooming more for that one

Not too satisfied with that one since i could've shot from the little hole on the right instead of being in front of the branch

Funny thing is i always run into this one when on my way to school or going out, he always runs away when i approach him though. I've given up on trying to pet him a loong time ago, also he was sleeping when i pulled out my camera but woke up when i started trying to take his picture. I'm really sorry for waking him, i should really apologize next time i run into him.

I also run into this one quite frequently. I remember first time i met him, it was last summer vacation when i was going at the library. The first two times i met him he would let me pat him or touch him, then the third time i might've touched a specific place that maybe wasn't right? (It was somewhere in the middle of his back) after this he wouldn't let me touch him and would hiss at me.

Now he always escape when i meet him and doesn't hiss or anything. Or maybe last summer it was different cat of the same breed? Idk.

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joshua black

joshua black's profile picture

these are some fucking BEAUTIFUL pictures of these BEAUTIFUL cats :OOO

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thanks! ^^

by TheUserPerson; ; Report