kuusouka's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

So what do y'all do on here?

The forums aren't very active, is there anything else to do on SpaceHey?

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Rot's profile picture

mostly just read blogs and bulletins lol.. I REALLY really wish they'd update their forums to have sub forums cause they'd probably be a lot more active if they weren't just all vague forums.. would help with making sure stuff didn't get buried and easier to look at specific or more niche interests even if the forums themselves weren't niche...

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Ten'eisenki's profile picture

I mostly read blogs

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NosyCat's profile picture

Making new friends, mostly. There's an active group, and like three forums I hang around, and the occasional blog post that's worth reading and replying to. Could be worse.

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Inspector Lee

Inspector Lee's profile picture

The only action here is in the blogs.

Click on "Blog" in the toolbar at the top of the page and then "Recent entries"

Unfortunately the site has become overwhelmed with children/minors and most of the blog entries they make are quite boring and repetitious.

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as a person who could be considered a child myself, the other sane 'kids' and i are sorry on their behalf. its pretty frustrating to see these stupid ass kids get into fights (which normally would be fun, but like you said, its getting repetitive.) really some of the only fun i have on this site is decorating my profile.

by cleo !!; ; Report


grejar's profile picture

we can be heyspace pen pals

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