☾wybie☆'s profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

so much negativity

theres so much negativity on spacehey recently. i know its social media and thats just apart of it, but some of the things people are saying on here are just plain weird and stupid?? like who genuinely gives a shit if a kid younger than 16 is scene/emo? or if ppl use xenogenders? just leave ppl alone if they arent hurting anyone?? i dont understand it. unless youre bringing attention to a serious topic or problem, youre just wasting your time being negative for no reason and its rlly embarrassing to witness for me and anyone else who has basic human decency. idk, maybe im just as bad for complaining in this way. but its annoying n embarrassing. most of yall making these points are adults or damn near well adults and youd just think theyd have anything better to do than get upset over scene/emo kids, xenogenders, etc. 

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voiidz's profile picture

I've been noticing that too. it really suckz.

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it doess :( we should b allowed 2 express ourselves

by ☾wybie☆; ; Report