! if this kind of discussion isn't your thing please don't feel like you have to read it ! take care of yourself first above all else C:
so I've been back on the god-book grind lately n while reading it on my dreadful, seemingly never-ending bus ride this morning I came across the following:
"in other words, if you choose evolution- the evolution of your soul- you won't produce that by the worldly activities of your body.
doing is a function of the body, being is a function of the soul. the body is always doing something. it never stops, it never rests, every minute of every day it's up to something."
which I found super interesting as it explains the actions of those pulling the strings of this play-pretend society we live in. say you're the hypothetical esoteric mastermind trying to limit human consciousness to prolong your power over the hierarchies you've created. anyone like me knows there's a billion gazillion mcsquillion ways to do that but one of the best ways is to keep people doing. because being can often, for most people, only happen when there's down time, a chance to rest. thus we as malicious metaphysical magicians need to not only limit but *control* down time within the population.
first: work & school. i.e. doing. keep the population busy enough that they feel a variety of contradicting things: 1. success is so, so close, while 2. success is unattainable. keep success juuust out of reach so they juuust keep doing for a little while longer. & then 3. if I keep doing then it'll pay off, & 4. all this doing I've been doing hasn't worked out for me! this fuels a cycle of burnout where you can't afford to keep going but you also can't afford to stop- you end up either doing or doing no matter what. this is likely why everyone hates school & work so much- "I'm doing my best but I'm going nowhere!" also skew the division of time as much as you can in doing's favour; 9-5 work days, 2 day weekends. make them so tired from doing that even when they have time to unwind they're too tired to be doing any being, which brings us to our second point...
second: control down time. being can be a pretty hard state to achieve. it's what a lot of meditation is about. we want to prevent people from being but we kind of have to give them down time lest they disrupt our perfectly sticky taped societal structure. as mages of misery we have one fantastic way of doing this: consumerism. won't get into political theory here mainly because it's boring n I don't care. but what I DO care about is getting you to watch SportsBall (tonight's the Grand Finale, so don't miss it!), play VideoGame (this new edition's already a best-seller, don't miss this sale!) & buy ThingStuff (speaking of sales, here's an offer you can't say no to!). you see, being is present-continuous. as is the tv, which is shown to be linked to cognitive decline in older people & increased rates of depression- altered mental states, which make it harder to, well, be. to become a being of being. note that a lot of these ConsumerProducts cost money, which will keep you doing. nd if they don't cost money your time n energy is likely what it really costs. if you can make money & energy (another rant too), even better!
this is why games are such a great option- they're expensive, they take all of your attention, & involve a lot of purchases- in-game currencies, dlcs, sequels & threequels & platforms to play them on. movies also work well as video footage is the most effective at controlling opinion but again, don't care for the moment. it doesn't really matter what you do as long as it's not being, which is also why we've jammed your iSquare full of ads on the FunSite which itself has VideoGame, SportBall & ThingStuff. so many things to look at- I can't look away, I'll miss the game, the sale, the offer! I'll miss out on the conundrum & the circus & the calamity! (can you tell I've been reading fahrenheit 451 lately?)
third: those who are doing are those who win. rich n famous people get all the attention. why, don't you want to be rich n famous too? humans are inherently social creatures & we'll use this to make a profit from you not just monetarily but spiritually! well, CelebrityMan owns this car, this house, this thing, that one too! & your favourite pop singer ADORES this expensive perfume, dress, shoe! oh, you want in on the luxury? better get doing! another political commentary to be made here but I'm not a communist n political theory is seriously boring to read. the first two points are probably more important tbh but the general idea is that if you tie doing to desirability you'll barely, if at all, even need to convince people that they should be doing.
& finally, a note. why are we doing all this, you might ask? well, the pure act of being is soul work. have you ever laid down on the grass & looked "up" into the sky, only to convince yourself that it's really down? I'm not even trying to be clever here, I'm just suggesting you try it because it's fun. more fun than reading communist political theory. but if you can keep people in a state of doing you can align the person with the mechanism, the body with the system, you can keep them from being & thus you can keep the soul from progressing. from breaking free of the LED, trendy, pastel bars you've contained them in. the best part is if they can contain themselves in it- willingly so!
I probably should've included more commentary on the soul part but being in general is probably one of the most healing states one can be in. I often enjoy just being whenever there's something I need to think about, sometimes with a little bit of doing just to keep my hands busy- there's nothing wrong with doing, really! another topic of discussion in my god-book is that nothing can exist in a vaccuum, & my favourite (& most easily applicable tbh) way of understanding is to think of the person you'd like to bash the absolute most. what is it about them? the way they talk? in order for their voice to bother you you'll have had to have heard a nice voice before. the things they talk about? in order for you to know what you hate hearing about, you have to know what you do like to hear about. thus, doing cannot exist without there also being, & vice versa. but really, being a very empathetic creature I almost feel bad for doing & may even write a thesis in its defence.
maybe I'm literally, actually, for real this time going crazy but it's better than being an npc. (being neurodivergent absolutely rocks) also please feel free to leave any commentary/questions you have, I'm not so much articulating a theory as I am rambling. anyway happy friday everyone !!!!
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