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Category: Blogging

Liam's Late Night Rambles (+ hyperfixation stuff): #1??

[General TW || i'll be putting 'lil TW's on my rambles, since some things I say can potentially make people uncomfy]

Hello silly people of the internet, it's around 10 pm for me and i feel like ranting about the weird shit that comes into my head. Hm. I know i was planning on writing something for a blog, but i forgot what the subject was going to be...On second thought, I have the perfect way to ramble.

Hyperfixation Bullshittery time!

(and some other stuff too)

So in case you didn't know (or if you just didn't look at my interests lmao ), one of my newer and bigger hyperfixations is on a web series called Murder Drones. Basically a bunch of robots killing other robots. For reasons. It's pretty neat, and the new episode comes out on....the 8th? I'll have to double check later. But yeah, episode 5 will be coming out soon, hopefully with a good chuckload of lore for us craving fans to feast on and theorize about. I started getting into it a few weeks after episode 2 had released. I'd seen the pilot show up a few times on my YouTube recommended, but i never clicked on it. Which probably sucks because i could've gotten interested in it sooner, although considering the time that i joined it seems the episodes are going to be coming out more consistently. As a matter of fact, last week I bought some of the merch. It's quite expensive, a singular pin is about 12 bucks and the shipping isn't too cheap either, but it's worth the money and the wait. I got a plushie and two pins, and will most likely buy more when i have the money, although I have yet to get a job. Yeahh, despite how i'm old enough to have a job I have yet to actually get one. Maybe this summer i'll be able to find something to keep me busy and out of the house. Cause, yes, I love my family, but staying home with them every day?? I can't exactly do that. Hell, that's why I try to be at school when I can, and that's why I hate breaks. Sure, that means some extra sleep, but other than that no, I'd rather either be at school or the library, thank you very much.

It's only 10:36-ish for me and i'm already exhausted, so I may be heading to bed soon. BUT, if I have the motivation to this could maybe become some sort of series?? Like, when it's late and I have random shit on my mind, i'll just waddle over here and rant. So, let's hope I have any sort of motivation (I probably won't have any)
Anyways, that's your nightly ramble from me, G'night silly people x3


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