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Category: Blogging

About me! if anyone is interested haha.

Hello spacehey peeps. this will officially be my blog. um I've never really done anything like this so i'm not really sure what to say here. but i guess i'm just going to write a bit about me. i'm not sure who will read these or if anyone will be interested. but the first thing i think is important to know about me is i have a lot of life problems that I've been fighting so hard over the years. I've healed and still have so much healing to do. i don't like going into details because my personal issues shouldn't be something to be so open about. so i wont be going into many details about my mental health. i don't really want that on the internet anyways. but any who! enough with the sappy talk.

i love writing. my writing has for sure improved over the years. sometimes it takes me over a week just to perfect a short story that I've written. all of my writings have my own personal deep depth of the things that are in life. it's messy, and beautiful. painful, and divine. i don't share much of my writing. but one day i hope i find someone i trust enough to share the things in my mind. this world has so much to offer. even if the world feels so small right now. i use my writing to express my mind. because its so messy. and even though i cant speak about some of it and admit things to myself about my childhood. i have a safe place within myself. and i personally think for now that's okay. i trust me. i know me for the most part, why not make a place i can float away to. but yeahhh that's the back story on my obsession with poetry and my writings.

i think right now in my life i'm a very lonely person. its hard for me to fully open up my feelings. and i think i just kinda find places on the internet where i can meet people from all around. it's easier to connect with people i suppose. 

i don't really know how to do an about me haha. i don't think i'm that much of an interesting person. but i do know that if you have read this far. thank you .i really hope i can meet some lovely people here. i'm always here to listen to anyone that needs to just talk to a stranger who won't judge. 

okay okay, i'm gonna end this here. that's a pretty strong summary of who i am. again thank you so much for reading this. 


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