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Category: Music

Favorite Album(s)

What is a music album or set of music albums that you feel mean the most to you as a person?

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☞︎︎︎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚊𝚝☜︎︎︎'s profile picture

For me there are two albums that just reach me at a spiritual level; Loveless by my bloody valentine and Donuts by J Dilla

Loveless just makes me feel a set of rare emotions of crazyness and then calm. The whole album just feels like different parts of a perfect day for me. My favorite track on it is To here knows when because its perfect for chilling out with my s/o in my room when its late with the windows open. The song makes me feel at ease sort of? Its a weird feeling that I get but thats the best I can describe it.

Donuts is great to me as well because of how creative the album is. Its samples from old soul music as well as bigger music blended together makes these songs that perfectly capture big city americana from the early 2000s. My favorite track is Time: Donut of the heart because of how the the samples remind me of how it felt to be stoned in my room thinking of that special someone or of just how my day was.

Im not saying these albums are super good, but they are my favorites for sure.

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Three albums I can think of at the moment are American Idiot by Green Day, Kid A by Radiohead, and Meteora by Linkin Park.

American Idiot not only was it part of my childhood because it sounded awesome, but as I got older during my teens and into adulthood I started to sorta understand more of the messages for each song.

I really wanted to say OK Computer, but Kid A was a totally different experience, not only to listeners/fans but also for the band themselves. Unlike the hard rock sound at the beginning of OK Computer, Kid A completely took a different path and went for a soft and mellow sound, almost gives you a sort of warm feeling the first few times you listen to it.

Meteora was also another album from my childhood but i also understood the lyrics more and more into my teens and as an adult. The lyrics were so straight forward that it's honestly a bit scary, but it really made others feel relief that anyone like Chester Bennington can be that straight forward in a message.

by ONiX; ; Report